$ 33.00
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Your Problem. – Chronic fatigue, female glandular problems, depression, mood swings, thyroid, urinary problems, menopause, PMS, reproductive and circulatory problems, insomnia, anemia, weakness and pain in joints, body odor and bad breath.
Your Solution. – Helps improve physical, sexual and mental energy, regenerates cells, promotes glandular balance and estrogen production, feeling happy, strong bones and joints, helps strength liver and kidney functions, improves female functions.
Energland Female a synergistic combination of herbs and plant extracts containing powerful antioxidants, as well as vitamins, minerals and other important micro nutrients. A refreshing drink that helps to improve glandular, reproductive, circulatory, immune, nervous, respiratory, structural and digestive body systems.
Energland Female is a natural way to boost energy and metabolism as well as maintaining nutritious concentrations of essential plant derived substances. This powerful combination balances important female functions, and is a viable alternative to swallowing handfuls of pills and capsules.
Kelp: Excellent source of vitamins and minerals, it contains 46 minerals, 16 amino acids, and 11 different vitamins.Helps in Thyroid Gland regulation, assists in weight management and weight, protects against Radiation Poisoning, cancer prevention particularly in estrogen sensitive cancers such as breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers.
Spinach: Supports cardiovascular system, aids lung function, promotes joint health, combats anemia, improves eye health, Combats asthma & allergies, improves skin, and promotes a healthy heart.
Barley Grass: Improves energy, It has three special components:
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD): Increased amounts of SOD cause our body to repair itself quicker. Additionally SOD acts as an anti-inflammatory.
P4D1 Enzyme: It is the first known substance to actually stimulate repair of DNA molecules.
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): Important component in the synovial fluid lubricant in body joints, and chondroitins which can be found in connective tissues, cartilage and tendons.
Orange peel: Provides effective support against respiratory distress. It has a lung cleansing effect by breaking down and helping expel congestion.
Beet Root: Provides diuretic effects, purifies the blood, naturally detoxifies the liver and spleen, and helps to regulate proper blood pressure levels.
Wheat Grass: Contains chlorophyll which helps rebuild red blood cells and reduce anemia,helps reduce and eliminate body and breath odors.
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: It has been use to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory like Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Lemon Peel: It has been use to improve bone health, cleansing the liver, strengthening capillaries, curing ear infections, improving blood circulation, reducing muscle contractions and prevention of strokes.
Dandelion Root: It is a liver tonic, high iron and zinc content, helps reduce anemia, mild laxative properties,aids skin problems as well as detoxify poisons and toxic waste in the body.
Damiana Improved sexual function and libido, potent aphrodisiac, supports reproductive health, PMS and menopause support, promotes a positive mood and relaxation, reduces anxiety and nervousness.
Muira Puama: Improving both erectile function and sexual desire, fighting gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders, supports healthy nervous system, aids sensation and orgasm in women.
Stevia leaf: Sugar substitute for diabetics or hypoglycemia, may help with high blood pressure, may help with heartburn, obesity and hypertension, contains anti parasite properties.
Maca: Helps nourish, regulate, and feed the entire endocrine system, helps promote hormonal balance, reduces menopausal symptoms and hot flashes, reduces chronic fatigue conditions and depression, rebuilds bone and cartilage, decreases fibromyalgia issues, improves learning and memory.
Chaga Mushroom: Improves Sleep, increases resistance to diseases, helps normalize blood pressure, anti-viral properties, helps with gastritis and ulcers, natural source of Melanin providing youthful and vibrant skin, improves mental clarity, reduces blood clots, reduces gout, powerful anti-aging properties, excellent source of SOD.
Burdock root: Helps to detoxify the blood, helps with infections, and alleviates symptoms in several skin conditions like acne, eczema, wrinkle reduction and psoriasis, increases urine production and improves digestion.
Milk Thistle.- Protects pancreas against alcohol damage, protects against UVB rays, cleanses and detoxifies liver, improves Adrenal function, protects against atherosclerosis, regenerates liver cells, cleanses the gallbladder.
Cat’s claw.- It is an adaptogenic immune regulator, anti-microbial (viral and bacterial), and anti-fungal, May help shrunk cysts and tumors and it inhibits cancer metastasis, effectively handles digestive problems such as gastric or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and leaky bowel syndrome.
Pau d’ Arco: Powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-tumor, fights parasites, effective against e.coli, accelerates healing of skin wounds , helps respiratory disorders, good for allergies, dissolves phlegm, inhibits Candida albicans, effective blood purifier.
Astragalus: Adaptogen, protects body from stress, fights colds, flu, and persistent infections, supports adrenal function, multiple allergies, reduces asthma, fights chronic fatigue, helps heal wounds, supports Kidney function, lowers blood Sugar, reduces stomach ulcers, helps reduce diarrhea, gas and bloating
Black Walnut: Kills Parasites, aids in healthy digestion, supports regular bowel movement, antiseptic qualities, assists in balancing blood sugar and decreasing cholesterol, helps to clean out any toxins and dangerous pathogens.
Purple Dulse: Able to remove radioactive and toxic waste metals from the body, and acts as a lymphatic cleanser. It alkalizes and cools the blood and reduces congestion and heat in the liver, helps activate the thyroid and activates enzyme systems, lowers cholesterol and fat in the blood, useful for weight reduction
Bladderwrack: Nourishes skin, antiaging effect, stimulates thyroid, increases metabolism, reduces inflammation and pain in joints, aids digestion, may help lower cholesterol and glucose levels.
Licorice root: Useful for several conditions including asthma, athlete’s foot, baldness, body odor, bursitis, canker sores, melancholy, influenza, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, arthritis, tuberculosis, ulcers, and yeast infections
Tumeric: Boosts antioxidant protection, helps promote healthy skin, supports overall eye health, aids skeletal system and joint health, encourages healthy liver function, balances the digestive system, supports blood and circulatory system, helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, promotes a healthy female reproductive system, helps maintain blood sugar levels.
Epimedium leaf ( Horny goat): Supports libido, helps to relieve menopausal discomfort,invigorates kidney function, reverses female infertility, strengthens tendons and bones, decreases muscular spasm, and lowering blood pressure.
Dong quai: Helps balance estrogen levels excellent blood tonic, treats iron deficiency and anemia essential during and after menstruation combat stress and reduce the severity of mood swings, enhances female fertility improves your complexion, and aids detoxification to clear blemishes, helps with skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, neurodermatitis, pruritis, hives and vitiligo
Angelica: Minimizes pre-menstrual discomfort and reduce the discomforts of menopause, antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities, improve lung function, relax tracheal muscles, expectorant, helps treat colds and flu, effecting in fighting headaches, cramps, rheumatic pain, help with insomnia, supports the digestive system, effective against flatulence and feelings of fullness, beneficial for a sluggish liver and spleen.
Black Cohosh: Helps reduces symptoms related to menopause,Helps relief symptoms associated with PMS, Helps prevent of bone loss and enhanced healing in osteoporosis, May help lower risk of breast cancer, helps reduction of symptoms related to dysmenorrhoa.
Mix 3.5 grams (1 heaping teaspoon) in 1 o 2 oz of your favorite juice, yogurt, water, tea, cereal, etc. Once or twice daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Keep in a dry cool place. Shake bottle vigorously before serving powder.
Serving size: 1 teaspoon (3.5 g)
Servings per container : 30
Propietary blend ( Organic Barley Grass, Organic Spinach, Organic Kelp, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Beet Root, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Organic Lemon Peel, Organic Dandelion Root, Organic Damiana, Organic Astragalus, Organic Black Walnut, Organic Muira Puama, Organic Stevia Leaf, Wildcrafted Maca, Wildcrafted Chaga Mushroom, Organic Burdock Root, Organic Milk Thistle, Wildcrafted Cat’s Claw, Wildcrafted Pau d’ Arco, Wildcrafted Purple Dulse, Organic Bladderwrack, Organic Licorice Root, Organic Tumeric, Organic Epidemium Leaf, Organic Dong quai, Organic Angelica, Organic Black Cohosh, Organic Natural Acai Berry Flavor Vegan – Gluten free, Kosher.)
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